Bebt die Erde verstärkt? Erdbeben 8,8 in Japan

posts 641 - 650 by 840
  • Fukushima: Neuer Grenzwert für Kinder reicht nicht aus

    carokann, 28.04.2011 10:20, Reply to #640,1518,759186,00.html

    Erst in der vergangenen Woche hatte Japan den Grenzwert neu festgelegt: 3,8 Mikrosievert pro Stunde beträgt die maximale Strahlendosis [], der Kinder in Schulen und Kindergarten ausgesetzt sein dürfen. Dieser Wert wurde nun an mehreren Stellen im Boden in der Stadt Koriyama überschritten. Um Kindern weiter das Spielen im Freien zu ermöglichen, soll daher auf den Spielplätzen von 15 Schulen und 13 Kindergärten die oberste Erdschicht abgetragen werden.

  • Fukushima: Radioaktivität auf Allzeithoch

    carokann, 28.04.2011 10:50, Reply to #641 se-to-highest-in-crisis.html

    April 27 (Bloomberg) -- Radiation readings at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi station rose to the highest since an earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems, impeding efforts to contain the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.

    Two robots sent into the reactor No. 1 building at the plant yesterday took readings as high as 1,120 millisierverts of radiation per hour, Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at Tokyo Electric Power Co., said today. That’s more than four times the annual dose permitted to nuclear workers at the stricken plant.

    Radiation from the station, where four of six reactors have been damaged by explosions, has forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people and contaminated farmland and drinking water. A plan to flood the containment vessel of reactor No. 1 with more water to speed up emergency cooling efforts announced yesterday by the utility known as Tepco may not be possible now.

    “Tepco must figure out the source of high radiation,” said Hironobu Unesaki, a nuclear engineering professor at Kyoto University. “If it’s from contaminated water leaking from inside the reactor, Tepco’s so-called water tomb may be jeopardized because flooding the containment vessel will result in more radiation in the building.”...

  • Fukushima: Japan erhöht zulässige Dosis für Arbeiter

    carokann, 29.04.2011 15:51, Reply to #642,1518,759662,00.html

    The health ministry plans to scrap the annual radiation dose limit for nuclear power plant workers at normal times for the meantime to secure enough workers for maintenance and checkups of nuclear power plants other than the crisis-hit Fukushima power station, sources close to the matter said Wednesday.

  • Fukushima: Ích kann das nicht zulassen´ Rücktritt nat. Atomberater

    carokann, 30.04.2011 15:56, Reply to #643

    "Should I approve that decision, I would no longer be a researcher. I would not want my children to be exposed to that amount of radiation."


    "It is quite rare for nuclear power plant workers dealing with radioactive materials to be exposed to 20 millisieverts of radiation per year. I cannot allow infants and children to be exposed to such high levels of radiation from an academic as well as humanitarian point of view."


    He also pointed out that the government was slow in applying the System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) and disclosing its data, even though nuclear safety guidelines stipulate the system be implemented immediately in an emergency. "The government has ignored the law and taken stopgap measures, failing to bring the crisis under control promptly," he said. me

    I cannot allow this as a scholar,” he said at a tearful press conference late Friday to explain his resignation.

    Mr. Kosako also blasted the government for a lack of transparency in releasing radiation levels around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and for also setting an overly high limit on radiation exposure for workers at the plant.

    Government advisory positions are considered very prestigious in Japan, and it is highly unusual for an academic to quit one in protest. The prime minister brought Mr. Kosako on as an adviser after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami crippled the plant, causing the world’s biggest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

    His abrupt resignation has fed growing criticism of the handling of the crisis by the Kan government, which many Japanese suspect of understating the true danger at the plant, or the amount of radiation released so far.,1518,759906,00.html

    Das Kabinett habe seinen Rat zum Umgang mit der Krise von Fukushima [] ignoriert. Und weil niemand auf ihn höre, habe es "keinen Sinn, dass ich auf meinem Posten bleibe", sagte Kosako. So sei der von der Regierung eingeführte Grenzwert von 20 Millisievert pro Jahr für die Strahlenbelastung von Schülern in der Nähe von Fukushima inakzeptabel. "Ich kann das als Wissenschaftler nicht zulassen", sagte Kosako.

    Zum Vergleich: Der Wert entspricht der Höchstdosis für einen deutschen Atomkraftwerksmitarbeiter. Zahlreiche Experten hatten sich bereits kritisch zu diesem Grenzwert für die Sc hüler geäußert []. "Das ist viel zu viel", sagt Shaun Burnie, der als unabhängiger Experte für Greenpeace [] arbeitet, dem SPIEGEL. "Kinder sind doch viel strahlenempfindlicher als Erwachsene." Edmund Lengfelder vom Otto Hug Strahleninstitut beklagte: "Man nimmt damit ganz bewusst zusätzliche Krebsfälle in Kauf. Durch den Grenzwert ist die Regierung juristisch aus dem Schneider - moralisch aber nicht."

    Parlament beschließt Nothaushalt

    Bei seinem Rücktritt kritisierte Regierungsberater Kosako nach einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo auch mangelnde Transparenz bei der Strahlungsmessung rund um die Meiler von Fukushima und die Anhebung der Grenzwerte für Arbeiter in der Anlage. Der Professor für atomare Strahlung an der Universität Tokio war im März von Ministerpräsident Naoto Kan [] zum Regierungsberater ernannt worden. Das Amt gilt in Japan als prestigeträchtig. Es kommt äußerst selten vor, dass Wissenschaftler solch einen Posten aus Protest räumen.

  • Fukushima: Blog -Board Kosako ist ein Schwergewicht.

    carokann, 30.04.2011 16:12, Reply to #644

    board is the techy and newsy one


    Wer ist Kosako?

    He's the head of the Nuclear Engineering Dept. at Tokyo University, the lab is named after him. We've been wanting to get him over here to chat...

    Toshizo Kosako.
    Here's his faculty page:

    Dieser Rücktritt ist ein Schlag für die japanische Regierung.

  • RE: Fukushima: SPEEDI

    carokann, 30.04.2011 16:39, Reply to #645

    Man bemerke, das die Werte aus der Nähe der Reaktoren fehlen. Auch dies kritisierte Kosako messerscharf.

  • Fukushima: US-Nobelpreisträger kritisieren neue Grenzwerte für Kinder

    carokann, 02.05.2011 20:43, Reply to #646 twt_fd

    Furious parents in Fukushima have delivered a bag of radioactive playground earth to education officials in protest at moves to weaken nuclear safety standards in schools.

    Children can now be exposed to 20 times more radiation than was previously permissible. The new regulations have prompted outcry. A senior adviser resigned and the prime minister, Naoto Kan, was criticised by politicians from his own party.


    A group claiming to represent 250 parents in Fukushima visited the upper house of parliament and presented government officials with a bag of radioactive dirt from the playground of one of the affected schools. A geiger counter clicked over it with a reading of 38 millisieverts.

    "How dare they tell us it is safe for our children," said Sachiko Satou of the Protect Fukushima Children from Radiation Association. "This is disgusting. They can't play outside with such risks. If the government won't remove the radioactive dirt then we'll do it ourselves and dump it outside the headquarters of Tokyo Electric."


    The health impacts are disputed. Physicians for Social Responsibility – a US-based Nobel prize winning organisation that opposes nuclear power [] – said children were more vulnerable than adults. It said the new acceptable limit exposed children to a one in 200 risk of getting cancer, compared with a one in 500 risk for adults.

    "It is unconscionable to increase the allowable dose for children to 20 millisieverts," the group said in a statement. "There is no way this level of exposure can be considered safe."

  • Fukushima: Regierung rechnete mit massiver Freisetzung

    carokann, 04.05.2011 16:01, Reply to #647
  • RE: Fukushima: Ích kann das nicht zulassen´ Rücktritt nat. Atomberater

    carokann, 04.05.2011 16:03, Reply to #644
  • RE: Fukushima: 10 min Schichten in Reaktor Eins

    carokann, 06.05.2011 13:22, Reply to #649
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