Bebt die Erde verstärkt? Erdbeben 8,8 in Japan

posts 701 - 710 by 840
  • RE: Fukushima: Tschernobyl in Zeitlupe

    carokann, 25.05.2011 21:20, Reply to #697

    Ergänzung zu #697

    According to Kawata, soil in a 600 square kilometer area mostly to the northwest of the Fukushima plant is likely to have absorbed radioactive cesium of over 1.48 million becquerels per square meter, the yardstick for compulsory migration orders in the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe.

    Kawata also said soil in a 700 square km area is likely to have absorbed 555,000-1.48 million becquerels per square meter, which was a criteria for temporary migration during the Chernobyl disaster.

    Kawata estimated the soil contamination using data on radiation levels in the air monitored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

    The size of the contaminated areas in the Fukushima crisis is one-tenth to one-fifth of those polluted in the Chernobyl disaster, Kawata said. ukushima_daiichi_caesium_in_bodenproben/

    Karte mit den Messungen: 97317933419817421.00049f79dd8efb50bf317&ll=37.62946,140.581055&spn=0.761 327,1.647949&z=9&source=embed


    Die Berechnungen Kawatas basieren auf bisherigen stichprobenartigen Messungen, werden höhere Werte gemessen steigen auch die freigesetzten Mengen in den Berechnungen an.

  • RE: Fukushima:Radioaktivität wird weiterhin freigesetzt

    carokann, 25.05.2011 21:30, Reply to #701

    On Sunday, Tokyo Electric Power Company began measuring the density of radioactive elements above the No.1 and No.4 reactors.

    The firm used instruments attached to the crane pumps that are injecting water into the reactors.

    TEPCO detected 360 becquerels of cesium-134 per cubic meter above the No.1 reactor, where most of the fuel rods are believed to have melted. The amount is 18 times the allowable limit for the plant's perimeter.

    The firm also discovered 7.5 times the limit of cesium-134 above the No.4 reactor, which has no fuel in its core. The substance is believed to have come from the fuel storage pool and the neighboring No.3 reactor.

    TEPCO says it will measure the levels of radioactive elements above the No.2 and No.3 reactors. It also plans to cover the reactor buildings with polyester sheets to prevent the further dispersal of radioactive materials into the air.

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011 07:48 +0900 (JST)

  • RE: Fukushima: 70000 mehr sollten evakuiert werden

    carokann, 26.05.2011 01:40, Reply to #702 e-after-Fukushima-Watchdog/articleshow/8556684.cms?intenttarget=no

    sagt das französische ogique_territoires_contamines_Fukushima-Rapport_IRSN.aspx

    France's Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN)

    highlighted an area northwest of the plant that lies beyond the 20-km (12 mile) zone whose inhabitants have already been evacuated.

    Radioactivity levels in this area range from several hundred becquerels per square metre to thousands or even several million bequerels per square metre, the IRSN report, issued late Monday, said.

    Around 70,000 people, including 9,500 children aged up to 14, live in the area, "the most contaminated territory outside the evacuation zone," the agency said.


    The IRSN report is based on data for radioactivity reported by the Japanese authorities and from US overflights of the zone.
  • Japan: Lied der Hoffnung

    Wanli, 26.05.2011 16:35, Reply to #703

    Eine neue Schnellzugverbindung wurde am 12. März auf Japans Südinsel eröffnet und zur Feier des Tages ein aufwendiges Werbevideo mit Tausenden von tanzenden Japanern entlang der Strecke gedreht:

    Am Tag vor der Eröffnung der Strecke aber bebte bekanntlich die Erde, das Werbefilmchen wurde nicht gezeigt. Jetzt ist es raus und wurde zum Hit: Fröhliche Musik und die gemeinsame Choreografie der vielen Beteiligten scheinen Hoffnung und ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels zu symbolisieren. Irgendwie unwiderstehlich.

  • Neues Leck in Fukushima

    carokann, 26.05.2011 18:42, Reply to #703 .html?_r=1 nt/story?id=13691431

    The Tokyo Electric Power Company, known as TEPCO, told reporters Thursday that nearly 60 tons of radioactive water may have spilled out, raising further concerns about the utility's ability to handle the worst nuclear crises since Chernobyl.

    The latest leak was discovered amid efforts to transfer highly contaminated water from the number 2 and number 3 reactors to an improvised storage facility. TEPCO says the water level in the facility had dropped nearly two inches in just 20 hours, suggesting a leak.


    At a press conference Thursday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano denied accusations of a "cover-up," but admitted the government needed to take seriously "the criticism that we haven't done enough to provide and circulate information."


    Analysis by laboratories in France and Belgium found high levels of radioactive iodine and radioactive cesium in seafood, according to Greenpeace. Contamination levels were highest in seaweed samples, which contained radiation 50 times higher than official limits.

    "Our data shows that significant amounts of contamination continue to spread over great distances from the Fukushima nuclear plant," said Greenpeace Radiation Expert Jan Van Putte. "Radioactive hazards are not decreasing through dilution or dispersion, but the radioactivity is instead accumulating in marine life."
  • John Large: TEPCO hat betrogen

    carokann, 26.05.2011 20:19, Reply to #705 -betrug-vor-1.1101972

    man sehe auch #672 in diesem thread

    Innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden des Unfalls habe Tepco direkten Zugang zu Daten gehabt, welche die rasch ansteigenden Temperaturen im Druckbehälter sowie eine Kernschmelze offensichtlich gemacht hätten, heißt es in der Studie des britischen Ingenieurs John Large. Das japanische Unternehmen habe die radioaktive Verseuchung der AKW-Beschäftigten, der Region und des Meerwassers in Kauf genommen.

    John Large is a Chartered Engineer, a Consulting Engineer, a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,  Graduate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Member of the British Nuclear Engineering Society-Institution of Nuclear Engineers, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

    From the mid-1960s through to the late 1980s, John Large was a full-time member of the Academic Staff at Brunel University and, transferring his academic interests, he founded Large & Associates in 1986 specialising in the nuclear field.

    John Large has prepared and given evidence to the Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg,  to a number of House of Commons Select Committees, quite frequently he provides expert evidence on aspects of system failure and technical issues in the UK Crown and Civil courts.  He has given evidence to overseas governments and agencies, including the governments of New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Finland, Bulgaria and to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the risk of nuclear terrorism.   John Large was awarded a commemorative medal for his contribution to the Kursk salvage by the Russian authorities.

    John Large is a nationally and internationally recognised professional, consulting  engineer who, not infrequently, contributes comment and opinion on nuclear and technical matters to national and international media.

  • RE: John Large: TEPCO hat betrogen

    Wanli, 26.05.2011 20:32, Reply to #706
    Das japanische Unternehmen habe die radioaktive Verseuchung der AKW-Beschäftigten, der Region und des Meerwassers in Kauf genommen.

    Sauerei, nur: Zur radioaktiven Belastung von Mensch und Umwelt wäre es doch genauso gekommen, wenn Tepco von vornherein von einer Kernschmelze gesprochen hätte? Die verdienen Prügel, keine Frage, aber der Vorwurf oben ist etwas überzogen.

  • RE: John Large: TEPCO hat betrogen

    carokann, 26.05.2011 20:35, Reply to #706 /News/22174184 _Large_Report_final_englisch.pdf

    Press release of May 26th, 2011
    TEPCO’s deceit – The lessons from Fukushima
    Greenpeace publishes report on Japanese meltdown
    Hamburg, 26. 5. 2011 – Greenpeace today presents a previously unreleased study
    which unmasks the policy of disinformation of the nuclear group TEPCO and of the
    Japanese and international atomic agencies as being dangerous and irresponsible. It
    was already a few hours after the Japanese earthquake of March 11 that TEPCO knew
    of the core meltdowns at Fukushima and that it accepted the radioactive pollution of its
    employees, of the surrounding region and of the ocean water. The misleading
    descriptions of TEPCO were uncritically repeated also by the German Gesellschaft für
    Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) (Nuclear Safety Agency). The environmentalists
    are of the opinion that the new findings also have consequences for the technical and
    ethical assessment of atomic energy in Germany. Greenpeace therefore today hands
    over this study to the ethics commission which will present its recommendations to the
    federal government on Saturday.
    “No-one would lie without a reason“, says Shaun Burnie, a Greenpeace nuclear expert.
    “The elusions and concealments of TEPCO and the continuous declarations of the
    International Atomic Energy Agency all serve only one purpose: They want the people to
    believe that atomic energy is controllable even after the catastrophic disaster at
    Fukushima. But this is a dangerous illusion.“
    The GP commissioned study makes clear that TEPCO must have known of the core
    meltdowns already in the early hours after the earthquake and that it has knowingly
    deceived the Japanese public and the international community since then. Within the
    first 24 hours after the accident TEPCO had direct access to data that made clear that
    temperatures in the pressure vessel were increasing rapidly and that a core meltdown
    was imminent. According to British nuclear engineer Dr. John Large, within days of the
    explosions of Fukushima-daiichi reactor 1 and 3 significant core meltdown was clear in
    contrast to the communication of TEPCO and the IAEA. The decision to pour sea water
    on the reactors was made knowing perfectly well that the pressure vessel was already
    broken. They accepted that many tens of thousands tons of highly radioactive water
    could risk drain and escape into the environment.
    “Germany is not prepared for a worst case. The helplessness in dealing with the
    disaster in Japan makes this all too clear“, says Burnie. “The measures taken in Japan
    to cool down the reactors would be impossible in Germany. We could not pump
    radioactive water into the sea. German disaster control would not be able to cope with
    an evacuation. There are then only three logical conclusions for Mr. Töpfer and the
    Ethics Commission: The most dangerous reactors must be shut down immediately, the
    facilities situated in areas prone to earthquakes must be re-evaluated, without any
    taboos, and all other nuclear power plants must be shut down as quick as possible,
    without any loopholes. A mid-term withdrawal from nuclear energy in 2022 would not
    be responsible and therefore is not acceptable“.

  • IAEA-Mission in Fukushima

    carokann, 26.05.2011 20:48, Reply to #708 s-nuclear-crisis-under-severe-scrutiny?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twi tter

    The team, led by Michael Weightman [], Britain []’s chief nuclear safety inspector, expects to find answers to what one Japanese official described as a “long list of questions.”

    But the aim of the visit was not to apportion blame, stressed Mr. Weightman: “We will come to our best judgment without fear or favour from anybody,” he said, adding that the purpose of the visit was to “seek information to see how the world can learn lessons from the unfortunate events here.”

    He added: “We have full cooperation and access to information. Whatever questions we ask, there are answers. We will come to our own views on information we seek. We seek to learn lessons on behalf of the world.”


    Japan’s top government spokesman, Yukio Edano [] said: ''The IAEA team's visit to investigate the accident is important from the standpoint of ensuring transparency to get to the bottom of this accident.”

    The operator, Tokyo Electric Power [] [Tepco], did little to further its faltering reputation on Thursday, when it altered its account of its initial response to the nuclear accident.

    The firm said it had continued to inject seawater into one of the damaged reactors soon after the March 11 tsunami, reversing an earlier statement in which it said it had suspended the risky measure amid pressure from the prime minister’s office.

  • RE: IAEA-Mission in Fukushima

    ronnieos, 26.05.2011 21:03, Reply to #709

    siehte da biste schon viel näher dran als mit dem Einzelkämpfer  Hans Gross.

    IAEA und nationale Zentren (wie CEA) oder Industrie (zB Westinghouse oder Areva) arbeiten und anlysieren doch schon seit Wochen. Und zwar alles - Unfallszenarien, Sicherheit: 

    Was geschah ? Was hat Tepco gemacht ? Was hätten sie besser machen können ...

    Warum ist übrigens bei Fukushima Dai-ni nichts passiert ? [ja die Frage passt nicht in dieses Forum, da gab"s ja kein Unglück].    

    Innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden des Unfalls habe Tepco direkten Zugang zu Daten gehabt, welche die rasch ansteigenden Temperaturen im Druckbehälter sowie eine Kernschmelze offensichtlich gemacht hätten, heißt es in der Studie des britischen Ingenieurs John Large. Das japanische Unternehmen habe die radioaktive Verseuchung der AKW-Beschäftigten, der Region und des Meerwassers in Kauf genommen.

    In dieselbe Richtung wie Wanli.
    Das japanische Unternehmen habe die radioaktive Verseuchung der AKW-Beschäftigten, der Region und des Meerwassers in Kauf genommen.

    das klingt so als haben die das aus freien Stücken getan - so wie jemand der mit 300km/h über die Autobahn fährt - die Wahrheit ist doch: Du sitzt plötzlich in einem Auto ohne Bremsen, und du merkst du fährst bergab - da ist deine einzige Sorge, wie komme ich um die náchts Kuve und dann die nächste und dann die Haarnadelkurve ...  und dann fállt dir noch der Tacho aus .. und der Motor ..

posts 701 - 710 by 840
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