Bebt die Erde verstärkt? Erdbeben 8,8 in Japan

posts 731 - 740 by 840
  • RE: Fukushima: Die Lügen von TEPCO und die lieben Kollegen

    carokann, 27.05.2011 12:21, Reply to #730

    Natürlich fällt durch das Verhalten von TEPCO ein Schatten auf die GESAMTE Nuklearindustrie.

    Wo waren denn die Analytiker anderer Firmen, denen die Widersprüche auffallen hätten müssen?

    Das sich zum Beispiel die GRS blind auf die Kollegen in Japan verliess zeigt, dass eine Krähe der anderen kein Auge aushackt, UND DAS GEHT NICHT. radioactive-water-at-fukushima.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitte r

    Contaminated water is increasing and this is a massive problem,” Tetsuo Iguchi, a specialist in isotope analysis and radiation detection at Nagoya University, said by phone. “They need to find a place to store the contaminated water and they need to guarantee it won’t go into the soil.”


    Tepco knows more than they’ve said about the amount of radiation leaking from the plant,” Jan van de Putte, a specialist in radiation safety trained at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands, said yesterday in Tokyo. “What we need is a full disclosure, a full inventory of radiation released including the exact isotopes.”


    “What I told the public was fundamentally incorrect,” Kan said in parliament on May 20, referring to assessments from the government and Tokyo [] that reactors were stable and the situation was contained not long after March 11. “The government failed to respond to Tepco’s mistaken assumptions and I am deeply sorry.”

  • Japan ist TEPCO - NATION

    carokann, 27.05.2011 12:40, Reply to #731 EPCO-Nation

    The government lacks plans to rebuild, end the nuclear crisis, avoid credit-rating downgrades, prepare for an ageing population, end deflation and boost competitiveness. Confidence in the future dwindles further, reducing both consumption and business investment.

    Japan needs a grand coalition. The parties should put aside pettiness and merge for a time, so they can work to restore normalcy for the nation's 127 million people.

    Their most urgent challenge is to rein in TEPCO, perhaps even break it up, before its failings do more damage to the Japan brand.

    Tokyo needs to recognise that this is not a passing event. Unless the leaders get to work, Japan's economic prospects will dim along with the neon signs around the nation.

  • Neuer Stresstest für Fukushima: Taifun im Anmarsch

    carokann, 28.05.2011 15:08, Reply to #732,1518,765424,00.html

    Trackprognose: .html

    Die Gefahr durch den Taifun ist folgende: Tepco hat in den vergangenen Wochen Bindemittel um die zerstörten Reaktoren gestreut. Damit soll verhindert werden, dass radioaktiver Staub durch Wind und Regen aufgewirbelt wird und in die Luft und ins Meer gelangt. Einige Reaktorgebäude stehen offen, nachdem sie von Wasserstoffexplosionen in Folge des Bebens und Tsunamis beschädigt worden waren.

    Gegen starke Winde und Regengüsse könnten diese Sicherheitsvorkehrungen jedoch nicht ausreichen, warnt Tepco. Und genau das droht nun, wenn der Taifun "Songda" die Kraftwerksruine erreicht. Zwar gehen Meteorologen davon aus, dass der Sturm sich auf dem Weg nach Fukushima abschwächen wird - er könnte aber starke Regenfälle verursachen.

    Tepco will die Gebäude abdecken

    Der AKW-Betreiber plant, die Gebäude abzudecken, doch das wird noch bis Mitte Juni dauern. Ein Berater von Regierungschef Naoto Kan versprach, man werde alles tun, um ein weiteres Ausbreiten der radioaktiven Verseuchung durch den Taifun zu verhindern.

  • Fukushima: Regierung verdonnert TEPCO Strahlungsdaten präziser zu veröffentlichen

    carokann, 28.05.2011 15:28, Reply to #733

    Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Saturday released undisclosed data on radiation monitoring at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant when it was crippled by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami and began emitting radioactive materials.

    The highest radiation level found in the 1,509-item data was 3,699 microsieverts per hour at a building north of the No. 1 reactor at 3:55 p.m. on March 17. No case was found of the radiation level exceeding the highest published level of 11,930 microsieverts recorded on March 15.

    The release came a day after the government learned that TEPCO did not fully disclose the data on radiation monitoring at the plant and instructed it to sort the data, make it public, and make doubly sure that this would not happen again.

    Apologizing for the utility's failure to disclose the data, TEPCO official Junichi Matsumoto said the company will look into the cause of the incident.

  • RE: Fukushima: Block 5 - Pumpen fielen 15h aus

    carokann, 29.05.2011 22:08, Reply to #734

    Cooling system pumps stop for 15 hours at Fukushima plant's No. 5 unit

    TOKYO, May 29, Kyodo

    Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday pumps to cool the nuclear reactor and fuel pool at its crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant's No. 5 unit, which had been in a state of ''cold shutdown,'' stopped for around 15 hours until backup pumps were activated.

    The temperature inside the reactor rose to as high as 94.8 C after the unit's pumps were found to have stopped Saturday night but fell after switching to the backup pumps to restore the cooling system, the utility known as TEPCO said.

    If the unit had been left unattended with the temperature surpassing 100 C, the water containing nuclear fuel inside the reactor could have boiled and evaporated, thereby exposing the fuel and damaging it.

  • RE: Fukushima: TEPCO kann Zeitplan nicht halten /Erdrutschgefahr

    carokann, 30.05.2011 14:06, Reply to #735,1518,765577,00.html

    Unterdessen warnte die Meteorologische Behörde am Montag vor möglichen Erdrutschen in der Katastrophenregion infolge andauernder Regenfälle. Zwar schwäche sich der Regen inzwischen ab, doch sei der Boden nach dem Mega-Beben und dem Jahrhundert-Tsunami vom 11. März []gelockert. Berichte über Schäden lagen aber zunächst nicht vor. Der Regen ist eine Folge eines inzwischen zur Tiefdruckzone abgeschwächten Taifuns. Dieser hatte zuvor den Süden mit Regen und starken Winden überzogen. Ein Mensch starb, 61 wurden verletzt.

  • RE: Fukushima: TEPCO ist Junk

    carokann, 31.05.2011 02:16, Reply to #736

    Standard & Poor's downgraded its long-term credit rating for Tokyo Electric Power Co. by five notches to junk status Monday, saying it remains uncertain whether the operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant would be smoothly bailed out by the Japanese government.

    The downgrading of the utility's long-term debt rating to B-plus from BBB came as the company, known as TEPCO, is struggling to come up with funds to cover compensation payments over the crisis at the nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture, which has been crippled since the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

    S&P said in its statement that while the government has announced a plan to help the company compensate victims, the details of the scheme remain unclear and lender banks will likely be forced to restructure TEPCO's debt.

  • RE: Fukushima: Beginn der Regenzeit

    carokann, 31.05.2011 02:31, Reply to #737

    Heavy rain and strong winds are hitting north-east Japan, which was devastated in the 11 March earthquake and tsunami.

    There are fears that more radioactive material from the Fukushima plant could drain into the land and sea.

    Japan's Meteorological Agency has warned of mudslides and floods.

    Typhoon Songda weakened to a tropical storm over south-west Japan late on Sunday, but strong winds and rain have continued to pound the north-east of the country.

    Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), which runs the nuclear plant, said it was on alert to ensure that contaminated water in reactor buildings did not flow out.

    The level of water in the basement of one of the six reactor buildings rose by nearly 20cm (8in) in 24 hours to nearly 6m (20ft), Tepco said early on Monday.

    "We presume the level of water has risen due to the rainwater which has seeped into the ground," said spokesman Junichi Matsumoto.

    Widespread criticism

    Workers have been spraying thousands of tonnes of water onto the damaged reactors to prevent fuel rods from overheating, after vital cooling systems were knocked out by the tsunami.

    The emergency measures have left four reactor buildings with radioactive contaminated water pooling inside.

    As a precaution, Tepco said it had also stopped spraying chemicals that it was using to prevent radioactive dust from spreading.

    Tepco has been pouring anti-scattering agents - such as synthetic resins - around the damaged buildings of reactors one and four.

  • RE: Fukushima:Block 1 / 2 Millionen Bequerel Caesuim pro Kubikzentimeter Wasser

    carokann, 31.05.2011 02:43, Reply to #738

    The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant says water accumulating in the basement of the No. 1 reactor building is contaminated with highly radioactive substances. The utility is battling to stop further leaks as the rainy season approaches.

    Tokyo Electric Power Company detected 2 million becquerels of radioactive cesium per cubic centimeter of water in the basement of the No. 1 reactor building.

    It speculates that radioactive substances from the melted fuel have leaked from the pressure vessel encasing the reactor core.

    Large amounts of contaminated water in the plant's buildings are hampering efforts to contain the situation.

  • RE: Fukushima:TEPCO meldet kleine Explosion in Block 4

    carokann, 31.05.2011 18:20, Reply to #739,1518,765950,00.html

    Die Explosion, die Arbeiter am Reaktor 4 hörten, habe sich vermutlich an einem Gasbehälter ereignet. Nach der Ursache werde gesucht.

posts 731 - 740 by 840
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