Bebt die Erde verstärkt? Erdbeben 8,8 in Japan

posts 741 - 750 by 840
  • RE: Fukushima:TEPCO I - TV

    carokann, 31.05.2011 20:15, Reply to #740

    bei mir funtzte er gerade noch nicht, der neue LIVE-VIDEO-STREAM.

  • RE: Fukushima:TEPCO I - TV

    retlow, 31.05.2011 20:22, Reply to #741

    bei mir funtzte er gerade noch nicht, der neue LIVE-VIDEO-STREAM.

    Danke, hier klappt's. Ja die Welt will Bilder sehen.

  • RE: Fukushima:Tschernobyl in Zeitlupe

    carokann, 31.05.2011 23:02, Reply to #742 -fukushima-soil-radiation-soars.html

    Radiation from the plant has spread over 600 square kilometers (230 square miles), according to the report. The extent of contamination shows the government must move fast to avoid the same future for the area around Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant as Chernobyl, scientists said. Technology has improved since the 1980s, meaning soil can be decontaminated with chemicals or by planting crops to absorb radioactive materials, allowing residents to return.

    “We need to finish this treatment as quickly as possible, within three years at most,” Tetsuo Iguchi, a specialist in isotope analysis and radiation detection at Nagoya University in central Japan [], said in a telephone interview. “If we take longer, people will give up on returning to their homes.”


    When asked to comment on the report today, Tokyo Electric spokesman Tetsuya Terasawa said the radiation levels are in line with those found after a nuclear bomb test, which disperses plutonium. He declined to comment further.


  • RE: Fukushima: Helden gesucht - gefunden

    carokann, 01.06.2011 00:39, Reply to #743

    In post #194  hatte ich mal vorgeschlagen, dass Menschen mit geringer Restlebenszeit (statistisch) sich freiwillig melden sollten.

    Helden gesucht!


    Heroische Aufgaben erwarten Sie, Sie benutzen Feuwehrausrüstung, Sie arbeiten an kontaminierten Arbeitsplätzen und schauen dabei nicht auf die Uhr, Sie gehören zu einer immer kleiner werdenden Gruppe von Spezialisten, auch Ruheständler gerne genommen, Sie zeigen Opferbereitschaft.

    Jetzt kommt Bewegung in die Sache!

    A group of more than 200 Japanese pensioners are volunteering to tackle the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima power station.

    The Skilled Veterans Corps, as they call themselves, is made up of retired engineers and other professionals, all over the age of 60.

    They say they should be facing the dangers of radiation, not the young.

    It was while watching the television news that Yasuteru Yamada decided it was time for his generation to stand up.

    No longer could he be just an observer of the struggle to stabilise the Fukushima nuclear plant.

    The retired engineer is reporting back for duty at the age of 72, and he is organising a team of pensioners to go with him.

    For weeks now Mr Yamada has been getting back in touch with old friends, sending out e-mails and even messages on Twitter.

    Volunteering to take the place of younger workers at the power station is not brave, Mr Yamada says, but logical.

  • RE: Fukushima: IAEA-Zwischenbericht

    carokann, 01.06.2011 11:42, Reply to #744 nspectors?CMP=twt_fd

    The need to improve their ability to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis could lead to more nuclear plant closures in Japan while they undergo maintenance work. In the worst-case scenario, all of Japan's 54 reactors could be closed by the middle of next year, according to some reports, removing almost a third of the country's power generation and raising the possibility of long-term power rationing.

  • Fukushima: IAEA-Zwischenbericht Erdbeben oder Tsunami

    ronnieos, 01.06.2011 14:11, Reply to #745

    Du fängts sooo schön an zu zitieren. Dann sag doch auch das:

    Weightman dismissed speculation that the earthquake had caused substantial damage before the tsunami arrived. "In terms of the cause it is clear: the direct cause was a tsunami, associated with an earthquake, of tremendous size," he told reporters.

    Das passt aber nicht zu anderen Zitaten, die du hier reingestellt hast  

  • Fukushima: IAEA-Zwischenbericht - Lob anTepco

    ronnieos, 01.06.2011 14:13, Reply to #745

    Du zitierst so schön, warum dann nicht auch das

    Despite the criticism, Tepco will have been encouraged by the IAEA's appraisal of its post-disaster response. "The response on the site by dedicated, determined and expert staff under extremely arduous conditions has been exemplary and resulted in the best approach to securing safety given the exceptional circumstances," it said.

    Das passt auch nicht in dein Weltbild ?!?

  • RE: Fukushima: IAEA-Bericht kommt am 20.Juni

    carokann, 01.06.2011 16:35, Reply to #747

    The IAEA team will submit its findings to a ministerial conference on nuclear safety in Vienna from June 20-24.

    "We had a playbook, but it didn't work," said Tatsujiro Suzuki, a nuclear expert and vice chairman of Japan's Atomic Energy Commission.

    The economic stakes are high. Japan is operating only 19 of its pre-Fukushima tally of 54 reactors.

    Unless local officials can be convinced that Tokyo has a plan to make the others resistant to the kind of blackout that plunged Fukushima into meltdown, more plants will drop off-line for maintenance.

    In the worst case, all of Japan's reactors could be shut down by the middle of 2012. That would take out 30 percent of the nation's electricity generation and raise the risk of deeper, near permanent power rationing, officials say.

  • RE: Fukushima: IAEA kritisiert Japan

    carokann, 01.06.2011 19:44, Reply to #748 Type=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed& utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29

    The three-page IAEA report urged Japan to overhaul its system of nuclear regulation in order to make officials overseeing safety independent of the ministry that promotes nuclear power.

    In 2007, the IAEA was ignored when it called on Japan to create a more powerful and independent nuclear regulator and clarify the responsibilities of the four government agencies with some responsibility for plant safety.

    Goshi Hosono, a Kan aide who received the IAEA report, said a set of post-disaster reforms due to be announced as soon as next week would take up the question of how to make its nuclear regulatory agency independent.

    "I think that the way nuclear plants are regulated will be taken up as one of the problem areas," Hosono told reporters.

    Workers and officials have described a scene of near chaos when the quake and tsunami hit Fukushima on March 11. Key safety systems, including gauges and vents, were disabled and it was not clear in the crucial first hours who was responsible for decision making, according to accounts.

    The IAEA said workers at Fukushima had been "dedicated" and "determined" but urged Japan to build "hardened" command centers to allow for a better response in future emergencies.

    Weightman on the Fukushima Daiichi staff

    "The operators were faced with a catastrophic, unprecedented emergency situation with no power, reactor control or instrumentation, and in addition to this, severely affected communications systems both within and external to the site."

    "They had to work in darkness with almost no instrumentation and control systems to secure the safety of six reactors, six associated fuel pools, a common fuel pool and dry cask storage facilities."

    "Despite brave and sometimes novel attempts of the operational staff to restore control and cool the reactors and spent fuel, severe damage of the fuel and a series of explosions occurred."

    "These explosions caused further destruction at the site, making the scene faced by operators even more demanding and dangerous."

    "The response on the site by dedicated, determined and expert staff under extremely arduous conditions has been exemplary, and resulted in the best approach to securing safety given the exceptional circumstances."

  • RE: Fukushima: VORLÄUFIGE BEWERTUNG der IAEA (pdf)

    carokann, 01.06.2011 20:04, Reply to #749
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