Bebt die Erde verstärkt? Erdbeben 8,8 in Japan

posts 751 - 760 by 840
  • RE: Fukushima: Mehr als 100.000 t hochradioaktives Wasser drohen überzulaufen

    carokann, 03.06.2011 11:57, Reply to #750

    Tokyo Electric Power Company says more than 100,000 tons of highly radioactive water has been leaked from the damaged reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

    The operator warns that the water may overflow later this month during the rainy season and says it is struggling to find a place to store the water after filtering.


    It says the 105,100 tons of water contains an estimated 720,000 terabecquerels of radioactive substances. Tera stands for one trillion.


    On June 15th, TEPCO plans to start using equipment that can filter 1,200 tons of toxic water a day. In mid-August, it will also install an underground storage tank that can hold 100,000 tons of highly radioactive water.

    TEPCO fears that the toxic water could overflow if the filter fails to work. It plans to secure more storage facilities.

  • Fukushima: Block 1 4000 mS/h höchste Werte in der Luft seit Beginn

    carokann, 04.06.2011 17:58, Reply to #751

    The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said Saturday it has detected radiation of up to 4,000 millisieverts per hour at the building housing the troubled No. 1 reactor -- the highest reading taken in the air inside the complex.

    Tokyo Electric Power Co. also suggested the possibility that the March 12 hydrogen explosion at the plant's No. 1 unit may have been caused by a reverse flow of steam intended to be sent into the air through the exhaust stack after radioactive gases were vented.

    The high amount of radiation was observed at the southeast corner of the building during measurement taken using a robot Friday. Steam was seen rising from an opening in the floor for a pipe that runs through the building, but TEPCO said it found no damage to the pipe.

  • Fukushima: Neues Gundersen Interview zur Situation in Block 1 AND MORE

    carokann, 04.06.2011 18:09, Reply to #752

    Bisher hat Gundersen mit seiner Expertise den richtigen Riecher gehabt, während Experten, die der Industrie  nahe stehen die Situation unterschätzen.

    Das ist ein Fakt, den jeder anhand dieses threads nachvollziehen kann, der mag. ukushima-are-worse-and-longer-lived-we-think/58689

    Arnie Gundersen: When you see hydrogen explosions, that means that the outside of the fuel has exceeded 2,200 degrees and the inside is well over 3,500 degrees. The fuel gets brittle, it burns, and then it plops to the bottom of the nuclear reactor in a molten blob like lava. It was pretty clear to a lot of people, including apparently to the NRC, but they weren’t telling people back in March, that that had occurred in reactor one. There was essentially a blob of lava on the bottom of the nuclear reactor. So I have to separate this – a nuclear reactor - and that is inside of a containment. So there is still one more barrier here. But the problem is that the reactor had boiled dry and they were using fire pumps connected to the ocean to pump saltwater into the reactor. Now, if this thing were individual tubes, the water could get around the uranium and completely cool it. But when it's a blob at the bottom of the reactor, it can only get to the top surface and that would cause it to begin to meltdown. Now, on these boiling water reactors, there are about seventy holes in the bottom of the reactor where the control rods come in and I suspect that those holes were essentially the weak link that caused this molten mass. Now it's 5,000 degrees at the center, even though the outside may be touching water, the inside of this molten mass is 5,000 degrees. It melts through and lies on the bottom of the containment.

    That’s where we are today. We have no reactor essentially, just a big pressure cooker. The molten uranium is on the bottom of the containment. It spreads out at that point, because the floor is flat. And I don’t think it's going to melt its way through the concrete floor. It may gradually over time; but the damage is already done because the containment has cracks in it and it's pretty clear that it is leaking. So you put water in the top. And the plan had never been to put water in the top and let it run out the bottom. That is not the preferred way of cooling a nuclear reactor in an accident. But you are putting water in the top and it's running out the bottom and it's going out through cracks in the containment, after touching directly uranium and plutonium and cesium and strontium and is carrying all those radioactive isotopes out as liquids and gases into the environment.

  • Japanischer PM vor dem Aus / TEPCO in Trouble

    carokann, 05.06.2011 18:10, Reply to #753 m-akw-fukushima-30432278.html

    Ministerpräsident Kan kündigt den Rücktritt an

    Kyodo berichtete am Samstag zudem, dass Japans viel kritisierter Ministerpräsident Naoto Kan angekündigt habe, im August zurückzutreten. Er hatte am Donnerstag ein Misstrauensvotum im Parlament überstanden, nachdem er zuvor seinen Rücktritt in Aussicht gestellt hatte. Kan wird vorgeworfen, er gehe unzureichend mit der Natur- und Atomkatastrophe um.

    The amount of cash and deposits held by TEPCO is expected to fall below 100 billion yen at the end of March 2012 from about 2.1 trillion yen at the end of last March. The company is facing difficulties in raising funds by issuing corporate bonds as their rating was lowered to junk bond status.

    It is expected to become necessary for TEPCO to seek further loans from banks and support from the government to cover the nuclear crisis-related compensation, which is said to reach several trillion yen.

  • Fukushima: 4 Minuten in Block 1 sind wie ein Jahr

    carokann, 05.06.2011 21:42, Reply to #754

    Neue Aufnahmen vom Reaktorgelände.

  • Fukushima: Tschernobyl in Zeitlupe (Update)

    carokann, 06.06.2011 16:02, Reply to #755

    Agency doubles radioactive release estimate in early days of crisis

    TOKYO, June 6, Kyodo

    The government's nuclear safety agency more than doubled its estimate Monday of the amount of radioactive materials emitted into the air during the early days of the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, saying that the amount is believed to have totaled 770,000 terabecquerels.

    The agency also issued its own assessment of the conditions of the Nos. 1 to 3 reactor cores based on the assumption that they suffered meltdowns, and pointed to the possibility that the process in the cases of the Nos. 1 and 2 reactors may have developed faster than estimated by plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

    The assessment by the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency is expected to be reflected in Japan's report on the accident to be submitted to a nuclear safety ministerial meeting hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency later in the month.

  • RE: Fukushima: Erstellung eines Bodenproben-Atlas beginnt

    carokann, 06.06.2011 17:31, Reply to #756

    Samples will be taken every 4 square kilometers in areas within 80 kilometers of the nuclear plant and every 100 square kilometers in areas further away.

    The radiation levels in more than 2,200 sections of the prefecture will appear in the map.

    The ministry plans to complete the study by the end of this month and release the results in August.

  • RE: Fukushima: Block1 Kernschmelze bereits 10 h früher als von TEPCO dargestellt

    carokann, 06.06.2011 18:23, Reply to #757

    ...The report says the fuel rods in the Number 1 reactor began to be exposed 2 hours after the earthquake due to the loss of the reactor's cooling system in the tsunami. Its fuel rods may have melted down 3 hours later, causing the damage to the reactor. This means the meltdown occurred about 10 hours earlier than TEPCO estimated last month.

    The nuclear agency also says a meltdown damaged the Number 2 reactor about 80 hours after the quake, and the Number 3 reactor 79 hours after the quake.

    The agency's analysis shows that the Number 2 reactor damage came 29 hours earlier than the TEPCO estimate, and the Number 3 reactor damage came 13 hours later than in the utility's assessment.

    The agency says the total amount of radioactive iodine 131 and cesium 137 released from the Numbers 1, 2 and 3 reactors for the 6 days from March 11th is estimated at 770,000 terabecquerels.

    That is about twice the figure mentioned in April when the agency upgraded the severity of the accident to the highest level of 7 on an international scale.

    The agency attributes the discrepancies to the assumption that radioactive substances might have been released from the Number 2 reactor containment vessel as well as from its suppression chamber.

  • RE: Fukushima: Was es kostet

    carokann, 07.06.2011 00:51, Reply to #758 /

    Auch die Kosten des Unglücks werden neu berechnet: Zwischen 50 und 200 Milliarden Euro in den nächsten zehn Jahren würden Aufräumarbeiten und der Abriss der Reaktoren kosten, hat das Japan Center for Economic Research errechnet. Die Kalkulation gilt laut der Zeitung Asahi Shimbun als optimistisch: Denn sie enthält weder Entschädigungen für Fischer und Bauern noch die Dekontaminierung von Böden und Wasser.

  • Fukushima: Weitere Evakuierungen werden geprüft

    carokann, 07.06.2011 11:34, Reply to #759


    Top government spokesman Yukio Edano said at a news conference there are certain spots, other than the government-designated evacuation areas, where radiation levels are high depending on atmospheric and other conditions, and the government will boost monitoring at these locations.

    "Based on the outcome of (radiation) monitoring, we will consider taking appropriate action," the chief Cabinet secretary told a news conference, hinting at the possible evacuation of these areas.

    Separately, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Tetsuro Fukuyama told an opposition lawmaker that some parts of Minamisoma city in Fukushima have registered high levels of radiation, and the government will consult with the mayor and other officials on whether or not to evacuate the residents there.

    Following the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami that triggered a nuclear emergency, the government ordered the evacuation of people living within 30 kilometers of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which lost its key cooling functions and continues to spew radiation.

    The government has since prohibited people from entering areas within a 20-kilometer radius of the crippled Fukushima plant and added some towns outside the limit to the list of areas covered by its evacuation directive due to concerns over high levels of radiation exposure.

posts 751 - 760 by 840
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