Thirty years ago, before the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Slovic took four groups of people and asked them to rate 30 risks. Two groups — the League of Women Voters and college students — put nuclear power as the biggest risk, ahead of things that are deadlier, such as cars, handguns and cigarettes. Business club members ranked nuclear power as the eighth risk out of 30. Risk experts put it at 20.
Thirty years ago, before the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Slovic took four groups of people and asked them to rate 30 risks. Two groups — the League of Women Voters and college students — put nuclear power as the biggest risk, ahead of things that are deadlier, such as cars, handguns and cigarettes. Business club members ranked nuclear power as the eighth risk out of 30. Risk experts put it at 20.
Scheint sich zwar um einen Spam-Bot zu handeln, trifft aber dennoch den Nagel auf den Kopf.
Kann mir jemand die Pointe erklären?
Kann mir jemand die Pointe erklären?
(Linke) Ideologen haben einen verzerrten Blick auf Realitäten (da ökonomisch Analphabeten, typisch sowohl für Linke als auch für Rechte ---> Hufeisen).
Ökonomen und Risikoforscher sind im Gegensatz dazu in der Lage, Risiken realistisch einzuschätzen iund einzuordnen.
Ok, ich finde nur den Bezug zu Tschernobyl merkwürdig, weil dieses Ereignis ja tatsächlich danach passiert ist.
Ok, ich finde nur den Bezug zu Tschernobyl merkwürdig, weil dieses Ereignis ja tatsächlich danach passiert ist.
Hmmm, hatte ich überlesen.
Aber um so krasser sind die irrationalen Ängste, die durch die friedliche Nutzung der Kernenergie getriggert werden.
Die aktivistischen Ideologen sind diesbezüglich rational und emotional auf dem Level derjenigen, die einst Menschen auf Altaren zur Beschwichtigung der Götter geopfert haben.
Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.
Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections
Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.
All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.
All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.
National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.
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