Activity ranking list by 03.07.2024 00:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 03.07.2024 06:00

Entries 6801 - 6825 by 11050
Position User Points
6,801 kastello 0
6,801 chai 0
6,803 alacos8 0
6,804 tomschm 0
6,804 hayozn 0
6,806 SB 0
6,806 jassie 0
6,808 Pela 0
6,809 Baras 0
6,809 hase134 0
6,811 Svetlana Sac 0
6,812 HOHO 0
6,813 Weustenrufer 0
6,813 demo 0
6,815 Mokusch 0
6,816 kerstinmh 0
6,816 Kappeler 0
6,818 punk77 0
6,818 Gordon Freeman 0
6,818 darkpig 0
6,821 Jani8 0
6,822 dom1959 0
6,822 kingroller 0
6,822 kobcev 0
6,822 bronkhorst 0
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What we predict...

Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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