Activity ranking list by 11.03.2025 05:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 11.03.2025 08:00

Entries 5151 - 5175 by 11093
Position User Points
5,150 caramelle 3
5,152 Presidente 3
5,153 Matyas 3
5,154 jini 3
5,155 semel 3
5,156 akzura 3
5,157 motivator 3
5,158 AlterKämpfer 3
5,159 visperli96 3
5,160 Wally666 3
5,161 ildaschlans 3
5,162 Kaderschaufel 3
5,163 benimueller 3
5,164 ogi 3
5,165 Shirkou 2
5,166 Monarch 2
5,167 mclp 2
5,168 Fiuzer 2
5,169 gogo111 2
5,170 NordFabi 2
5,171 steffenl 2
5,172 rammstein1 2
5,173 dxbruelhart 2
5,174 pupuce75 2
5,175 strajo 2
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What we predict...

Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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