Präsidentschaftswahl 2020: die Ausgangslage

Beiträge 101 - 110 von 242
  • Top down: BS reloaded / Virus wird Wahlkampfthema

    Wanli, 21.03.2020 15:35, Antwort auf #100

    So ernst die Lage ist: Für Trump könnte sie theoretisch auch eine Chance sein. Seit Beginn seiner Amtszeit sind seine Umfragewerte praktisch eingefroren, Zustimmung und Ablehnung verändern sich kaum, scheinen weitgehend unabhängig von jedem Ereignis. Und die Ablehnung überwiegt eben deutlich. Eine große Krise könnte das im Prinzip ändern, vielleicht tut sie das sogar (siehe den letzten Post).

    Aber Drumpf steht sich halt zuverlässig selbst im Weg beim Versuch, hieraus politisches Kapital zu schlagen. Bei seiner letzten Pressekonferenz schürte er Hoffnungen, Malariamedikamente könnten sich als wirksam gegen die neuartige Krankheit erweisen; sein höchstrangiger Spezialist für Infektionskrankheiten ergriff kurz darauf das Wort und äußerte sich skeptisch.

    Said Trump: “I’m a smart guy. I feel good about it. And we’re going to see. You’re going to see soon enough.”

    “But the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, delicately — yet forcefully — pushed back from the same stage, explaining that there was only anecdotal evidence that the drugs, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, may be effective.” ence/

    Dann die Frage eines Journalisten: Was er denn den Millionen Amrikanern mitteilen wolle, die jetzt Angst um ihre Gesundheit hätten? Eigentlich eine Steilvorlage für jeden Regierungschef; man stelle sich mal vor, wie Bill Clinton eine Antwort zelebriert hätte - nachdenklich, einfühlsam.

    Aber Empathie konnte der POTUS noch nie; stattdessen nannte er den Journalisten einen "terrible reporter", er habe eine "nasty question" gestellt. WTF?

    Und das Fußvolk hüpft weiter von einer Peinlichkeit zur nächsten: In Kansas behauptete ein Lokalpolitiker, dort sei die Gefahr eher gering, denn es gebe nur wenige Chinesen. Er halte es aber für möglich, dass die Seuche gezielt von der chinesischen Regierung verbreitet werde.

    “Well, they say it came out of China,” he answered, “and I’m not putting it past the Chinese government in communist China.” Meaning, to export a virus on purpose? “Normally, this kind of thing spreads slowly,” he answered, so “I put two and two together. I’ve been around a long time, girl.”

    He also said that his only public policy goal in saying all of this was to try to discourage panic. “We’re hurting a lot of people in Manhattan” by overreacting, he said. “Places are being shut down for no reason at all.”

    All of the above not only encourages racist attacks but also encourages the public to ignore the life-saving advice of public health officials to take proper precautions to avoid transmitting the virus.


    Aber kann man sicher sein, dass die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit Donalds Show durchschaut? Natürlich nicht.

    He doesn't care what the coronavirus numbers actually are. He's not interested in how much protective gear is reaching hospitals.All he cares about is announcing some bogus drug he hopes will work, or a million tests that never were, or a thousand respirators that nobody's ever heard of or seen. The situation is getting better because Trump says it's getting better. Here are my experts! Look! There's Doctor Shoulder Scarf! Watch her nodding like a bobblehead as I make my pronouncements, and just listen to the thanks my experts lavish on me!

    He hasn't changed his attitude about the job of being president. He doesn't care about expertise. All he cares about is the optics of his own people showing up and showering him with praise. At the FEMA group-call with governors on Thursday, he looked like a seventh-grader being made to read a sonnet — bored, fidgety, angry, resentful that he had to listen to these people who so obviously knew so much more than he did. But there he was at the end of a big table behind a printed card reading "President Donald Trump," and that, my friends, is what passes for "presidential" in the age of Trump.

    There is some evidence that the Un-Fucking of the Big Fuck-up is working. Fox News suddenly jumped on board a week ago, about the time Trump declared a national emergency. They've gone from echoing Trump's pooh-poohing of the coronavirus to cheerleading for their "wartime president." Anyone who dares mention that only a couple of weeks ago Trump was telling us that the number of victims would "go to zero" is now being castigated as un-American. It's not Trump's fault. It's China's fault. Don't listen to politically correct liberals. Listen to Trump. heres-how-to-stop-him/

    EDIT 2

    Ein den Demokraten nahes Super PAC geht in Michigan, Wisconsin und Pennsylvania auf Sendung mit dem folgenden Wahlwerbespot.

  • RE: 9/11 reloaded?

    sorros, 21.03.2020 15:57, Antwort auf #100

    Die Bürger sehen, wenn man aktuellen Umfragezahlen glauben mag, dagegen mehrheitlich einen entschiedenen Macher; der POTUS erhält für sein "Management" der Krise mittlerweile recht gute Noten:

    In the new poll, 55% of Americans approve of the president’s management of the crisis, compared to 43% who disapprove. Trump’s approval on this issue is up from last week, when the numbers were nearly reversed. Only 43% approved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic and 54% disapproved in last week’s poll.

    Meine Quellen sehen das etwas anders:

    "More Americans than do not disapprove of the way he is handling the pandemic, 49 percent to 44 percent, and his overall job approval rating rests at 43 percent.“ oronavirus-information-133576 ez_track_mar20

  • RE: 9/11 reloaded?

    drui (MdPB), 21.03.2020 21:00, Antwort auf #102

    Die Amis müssen erst richtig stark betroffen sein, bevor sie etwas merken. Das wird mehrere Wochen dauern, aber bei über 10.000 Toten könnten manche eventuell anfangen nachzudenken.

  • RE: 9/11 reloaded?

    sorros, 21.03.2020 21:53, Antwort auf #103

    Die Amis müssen erst richtig stark betroffen sein, bevor sie etwas merken. Das wird mehrere Wochen dauern, aber bei über 10.000 Toten könnten manche eventuell anfangen nachzudenken.

    Dann hamstern sie endlich auch Toilettenpapier und nicht mehr Waffen.

  • Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung

    Wanli, 24.03.2020 11:58, Antwort auf #104

    Erstmals waren in den USA jetzt mehr als 100 Tote an einem Tag zu verzeichnen. onavirus/

    Bei der abendlichen Pressekonferenz deutete der Präsident denn auch folgerichtig an, langsam müsse mal Schluss sein mit den (in den Staaten auch teilweise kaum umgesetzten) Eindämmungsmaßnahmen:

    Our country wasn’t built to be shut down.

    In Gesprächen im Weißen Haus und auf Twitter: Drumpf motzt mittlerweile ständig über den von der eigenen Regierung erst am vergangenen Montag nach Monaten der Verharmlosung eingeschlagenen Kurs. s

    President Donald Trump has never been known for his patience or long attention span.

    Now, as the coronavirus crisis threatens his presidency, and upends his campaign for reelection, Trump is rapidly losing patience with the medical professionals who have made the case day after day that the only way to prevent a catastrophic loss of life is to essentially shut down the country — to minimize transmission and “flatten the curve” so hospitals aren’t overwhelmed with critical patients.

    The president also has been furious that his efforts to halt the harrowing drop in the stock market have so far proven ineffective. He has been calling friends and economists at all hours and berated aides and reporters who try to persuade him to recognize the severity of the outbreak.

    Das Herumlavieren des POTUS hat natürlich Konsequenzen: FOX News hatte den Schwenk am vergangenen Montag brav nachvollzogen und nach einer langen Zeit der Verharmlosung der neuen Krankheit nun von Drumpf als "Kriegspräsidenten" in schwerer Krise schwadroniert; jetzt dürfte sich der Ton des Senders erneut ändern. Und diese Botschaften vom Orangenen, weiteren republikanischen Politikern und konservativen Medien zeigen Umfragen zufolge durchaus Wirkung, wenn man etwa vergleicht, wie ernst Demokraten die Lage nehmen und wie besorgt Republikaner sind. rus-show-live/

    Drumpfs Chef-Virologe Anthony Fauci gab derweil ein Interview - und ließ seinen Frust über die Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse im Weißen Haus durchaus durchscheinen:

    Q: The first question everyone has is how are you?

    A: Well, I’m sort of exhausted. But other than that, I’m good. I mean, I’m not, to my knowledge, coronavirus infected. To my knowledge, I haven’t been fired [laughs]. [...]

    Q: What about the travel restrictions? Trump keeps saying that the travel ban for China, which began 2 February, had a big impact on slowing the spread of the virus to the United States and that he wishes China would have told us 3 to 4 months earlier and that they were “very secretive.” (China did not immediately reveal the discovery of a new coronavirus in late December 2019, but by 10 January, Chinese researchers made the sequence of the virus public.) It just doesn’t comport with facts.

    A: I know, but what do you want me to do? I mean, seriously Jon, let’s get real, what do you want me to do?

    Q: Most everyone thinks that you’re doing a remarkable job, but you’re standing there as the representative of truth and facts, and things are being said that aren’t true and aren’t factual.

    A: The way it happened is that after he made that statement [suggesting China could have revealed the discovery of a new coronavirus 3 to 4 months earlier], I told the appropriate people, it doesn’t comport, because 2 or 3 months earlier would have been September. The next time they sit down with him and talk about what he’s going to say, they will say, “By the way, Mr. President, be careful about this and don’t say that.” But I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down. OK, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.

    Q: You have not said China virus. (Trump frequently calls the cause of the spreading illness known as coronavirus disease 2019 a “China virus” or a “Chinese virus.”)

    A: Ever.

    Q: And you never will, will you?

    A: No. es-make-white-house-listen-facts-pandemic


    Ultimately, there are two intractable truths about Trump that make a significant change of course very unlikely. The first is that he has virtually no ability to think long-term. This has been a dominant theme of his political career, where he has consistently obsessed over the current news cycle, and has shown zero concern for what might happen next week or next month or next year. He wasn't an especially skilled long-term thinker in his business career, either. His role in the Trump Organization was to "finish" the deal; to sign the paperwork, or show up for the ground-breaking/ribbon-cutting photo-op. Actually executing his deals, over the course of months or years, was the job of faceless folks in the vice-presidential suite. Anyhow, the President really, really wants this whole thing to be in the rear-view mirror by the weekend, and he really hopes (vainly) that he can make it so by force of will.

    The second issue is that Trump views everything in transactional terms—"How does this help (or hurt?) me? That means that he continues to see this situation as primarily a political and PR problem. And that means that his purpose, when he speaks out about COVID-19, isn't really to tell people how to weather the storm and to be safe. No, his goal is to rally the base. Indeed, as CNN's Daniel Dale points out in a perceptive op-ed, since the President can't hold rallies right now, he's using his daily briefings in their place. And, of course, we all know what that entails: a litany of exaggerations, falsehoods, media-bashing, and complaining about being victimized (more on this below). Trump's Monday briefing was close to two hours long. That is much closer to "rally" length than it is to "helpful information and an update on our progress" length.

    Es wird sich schon ein Schuldiger finden.

  • Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung

    sorros, 24.03.2020 15:08, Antwort auf #105

    Netter Titel aber: So hat Schopenhauer das nicht gemeint!

  • Mitt Romney geschockt

    Mirascael, 24.03.2020 16:59, Antwort auf #106

    Perfide rücksichts- und verantwortungslose Demokraten denken sogar bei einem tödlichen Virus zunächst mal an nichts anderes, als wie man diesen politisch instrumentalisieren kann. Shame!

    Mitt Romney: ‘Nothing In The Senate Has Shocked Me’ Until Democrats Voted Do wn Coronavirus Relief

  • Trumps Wille tötet nicht nur in der Vorstellung

    drui (MdPB), 24.03.2020 19:23, Antwort auf #106

    A Phoenix-area man has died and his wife was in critical condition after the couple took chloroquine phosphate, an additive used to clean fish tanks that is also found in an anti-malaria medication touted by Donald Trump as a treatment for Covid-19.

    Banner Health said on Monday the couple in their 60s got sick within half an hour of ingesting the additive. The man could not be resuscitated at hospital but the woman was able to throw up much of the chemical.

    “Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure,” the woman told NBC.

    She said her advice would be: “Don’t take anything. Don’t believe anything. Don’t believe anything that the president says and his people … call your doctor.” rump-touts-chloroquine-phosphate

  • RE: Mitt Romney geschockt

    Wanli, 24.03.2020 22:31, Antwort auf #107

    Perfide rücksichts- und verantwortungslose Demokraten denken sogar bei einem tödlichen Virus zunächst mal an nichts anderes, als wie man diesen politisch instrumentalisieren kann. Shame!

    Ja, ja, Mitt. Der republikanische Gesetzesentwurf sieht einen 500-Milliarden-Topf vor, dessen Mittel der Finanzminister nach Gutdünken verteilen kann (ursprünglich sollte nicht einmal bekannt werden, an welche Unternehmen welche Summen fließen - weiß nicht, ob das so geblieben ist).

    Und gegen einen solchen Selbstbedienungsladen sind nicht nur die Demokraten, sondern Umfragen zufolge auch eine breite Mehrheit der BürgerInnen.

    The proposal backed by the White House and Senate Republicans would give Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wide discretion over which companies get money and when. Democrats in Congress are saying not so fast — they want some guardrails around what companies can and cannot do with the money once checks are cut. Otherwise, they argue, what’s to stop an airline from using its bailout money to give its CEO a bonus instead of paying its workers? Or to prevent a major hotel chain from laying off workers while engaging in stock buybacks? bill-bailout-steve-mnuchin-democrats-elizabeth-warren

    Wer auch noch dagegen ist? Die meisten Republikaner, vor gut zehn Jahren. Da hieß ein solcher Fonds TARP und wurde von der GOP heftigst kritisiert - natürlich erst, nachdem Obama dafür geradestehen musste, TARP war eigentlich unter seinem Vorgänger aufgelegt worden.

  • Gleichgeschalteter Wahnsinn

    Wanli, 25.03.2020 10:48, Antwort auf #109

    Die New York Times verdeutlicht einmal mehr, warum social distancing dringend geboten ist und welche Rolle der Präsident bei der Durchsetzung hätte.

    “The United States has passed the point where aggressive, targeted efforts at tracking and containment, like those pursued by South Korea, have a realistic chance of success. And calls for voluntary social distancing have had mixed results, as the photos of spring breakers crammed together on the Florida beaches last week made clear.”

    “We are not suggesting that Mr. Trump has the authority to order a national lockdown, much less advocating that he attempt to enforce one. Instead, we are urging him to use the bully pulpit to put pressure on, and provide political cover for, governors to take the hard steps that are needed.”

    Die Washington Post registriert, dass die Gesundheitsexperten mittlerweile wieder weniger Gehör finden beim POTUS.

    “Trump has increasingly minimized and pushed aside many of the top public health and scientific experts in his administration, instead relying on advice from economic advisers and outside voices in the business community who are urging him to prioritize the nation’s economy above all else.”

    Drumpf möchte erklärtermaßen die (sowieso sehr moderaten) Eindämmungsmaßnahmen möglichst bald aufgeben, um die Wirtschaft wieder in Gang zu bringen. Mir ist es absolut unverständlich, wie jemand auf den Gedanken kommen kann, die Wirtschaft werde wieder fröhlich brummen, während die Seuche sich ungehindert ausbreitet: Letztendlich scheint mir der asiatische / europäische Weg, das öffentliche Leben zunächst weitgehend lahmzulegen, um seuchentechnisch quasi den Reset-Knopf zu drücken, auch rein auf die Wirtschaft bezogen - ohne Rücksicht auf Menschenleben also - mittelfristig deutlich erfolgversprechender. Und auch politisch kann man mit einer überzeugenden Leistung als Krisenmanager, der geduldig erklärt, aber auch zunächst unpopuläre Maßnahmen nicht scheut, im Endeffekt sicher deutlich besser punkten als wenn man einfach weiter fiedelt, während Rom brennt. Gut: Drumpf fehlt natürlich so ziemlich jede Qualität, die man als Krisenmanager braucht; vielleicht scheidet diese Option auch deshalb aus.

    If we put control measures in place, we’re providing substantial certainty to everyone. The rescue bill keeps incomes flowing, and when the control measures are lifted everyone can go back to work. Since they’ve been taken care of during the crisis, their savings are intact and they’ll be willing to immediately raise their consumption to normal levels. We’d be in a deep recession for a few months, but it’s only a recession in a very technical sense since we’ve deliberately engineered it and everyone knows exactly what caused it. There’s no reason to think we wouldn’t bounce back as soon as we announce that the epidemic is over.

    If we don’t put control measures in place, lots of people will die and the epidemic will last longer. That’s bad on its own, but it also introduces terrific uncertainty. The huge number of deaths will depress the economy for a while and those workers will only be slowly replaced. People will remain afraid to spend money until they’re sure the epidemic is over, and that’s going to be a very dicey thing. This would fundamentally be like a normal recession, in which we take a dive and then come back out of it slowly as businesses and consumers haltingly regain confidence.

    The crazy thing about this is that the first scenario is almost certainly better not just from a humanitarian point of view, but also from a political point of view. Trump could be a hero and the economy would be in strong shape by November. In the second scenario, fear and recession remain in place for months, only slowly dissipating. Trump would be doomed on Election Day. How does he not get that? for-keeping-people-alive-and-protecting-the-economy/

    Man muss es wohl kaum erwähnen: Kaum macht Drumpf einen Rückzieher, will die Einschränkungen des öffentliche Leben möglichst bald wieder aufheben, schon schwenken überall Republikaner und sogenannte "Konservative" ein auf die neue Linie. Hirntod, völlig gleichgeschaltet.

    Modern conservative politics is remarkable. Two days ago it felt like everyone was totally on board with school closings and quarantines and social distancing. It was the new reality. Then Donald Trump announced that he didn’t really believe the experts after all and wanted to re-open the economy. Within 24 hours I swear that practically every conservative in the country was suddenly in agreement—or seriously considering it at the very least. All Trump had to do was open his mouth to produce a right-wing U-turn so violent you could almost hear the necks snapping.

    How has Trump done this? igh/

    Die amerikanischen Konservativen sind so daran gewöhnt, einfach irgendwelchen BS in die Welt setzen zu können, gern auch das Gegenteil von dem, was gestern noch Dogma war, dass man offenbar völlig das Gefühl dafür verloren hat, dass es objektive Realitäten gibt, die sich nicht einfach weglabern lassen.

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